Our Story


Free & Hassle Free.


We provide free online stores to groups and organizations of all kinds. No need for inventory! We ship direct in 2-7 days of ordering. We can add whatever you wish! Customize it to your vision! We also have a division strictly dedicated to fundraising, Hassle Free Fundraising.

Our owner, owned a small chain of pizza stores dating back to 1983. In 1988 he branched off into fundraising for churches, teams, and groups of all kinds. With this knowledge & experience as our base, we have transformed this demand & need into the future! This is a revenue share division. Completely digital, while removing all hassles for the group or team leader. No collections, distributions, or active selling. The future & only way to fundraise. The best way to spread a brand or raise funds.


A Message From Our Founder:


Throughout our inquiries and experiences we have learned that the best sales tool is listening. We've attempted to take the elements that we’ve found to be most important to you. From this, an easy solution and one of your favorite assets has been born.  Eliminating the most dreaded of words......Hassles.  And saving the most precious of words....Time.