Welcome to the beginning!
As exhilarating as we find sprinting, we are in this for the long haul. Merchandise marathon. Marketing Marathon. We want to be your business partner for a long, long time. That is why we will continue to try and work with you to give you ideas and boost merchandising sales….to parlay these sales into re-occurring and walking advertisements. Remember our goal is to use our platform to open up and leverage our walking billboard items to translate into cross marketing opportunities. Our primary goal will always be your primary business and as a byproduct, we will sell merch and it becomes a sure win-win.
My, oh my! I never thought that I would be so excited to write a blog. I have come to find that writing is soothing and I enjoy it. I get a thrill out of carefully and concisely choosing the perfect variety of words to express my thoughts. Someday it will be fun to look back on this journey. A journey that was taken up on the inspiration of my brother, Mike Moser and most recently a man that was like a brother, Kam Miller. Mike had unmatched energy and always wanted to make sure that everyone was having fun. He enjoyed seeing people excited. That is my #1 goal. Then moving along to Kam. After Kam passed away unexpectedly, the timing came at a time that the store that was created to memorialize Kam much surpassed any of the others that we had put together. This is about the time that this dream all became really real. Only a select few even remotely have any insight to how many different moving parts, variables, and elements this business model has to it. It has been a dream of mine and my brothers as well as being supported to the maximum by my parents along the way. With all of these long hours, comes periods of time that it is hard to keep going. Kam is my inspiration for that. I’ve never met a guy that worked harder and lived for others and was just a great guy. Live Like Kam is so perfect. I wear my LLK hats practically daily. It inspires me to keep moving the needle and to try new things. I would like to use this to help people and make a difference. To save precious time as we never know what is going to happen. Mike and Kam were taken from the Earth without warning. So when we sit back and ponder our lives to this point, we all have so many breaths and moments that we have spent doing tasks in a manner that may not be the most efficient. We strive to save time because it is something you cannot get back. We want to save hours on hours so that our clients can spend more time with their kids, increase their business and quality of life, drink beer with their friends, golf, whatever is YOU. We want people’s lives to be enriched and to provide them a fun and free asset while doing so. Please check back periodically. There is a good chance that most won’t. Regardless I am going to have an amazing time chronicling our journey. For best or for worst. My goal of the Hassleology 101 is to give insight, updates, and most importantly rant about non-sense so that we can boost our search engine optimization and move up the ranks and receive free traffic in a world that nothing is free….well, besides an amazing web store crafted to your liking and provided by Hassle Free Stores. Don’t forget the best part. “It’s free and hassle free.” Thank you for following us on our journey.